Monday, December 3, 2007

In the Beginning

At our 2007 Convention a resolution was submitted asking The Diocese of WNC to call on General Convention to develop and authorize rites for same sex union blessing. The resolution (#10) was tabled in order that a conversation might take place over the course of the coming year so that when the same resolution (or one like it) comes to the floor in 2008, people will have had a rich and thorough opportunity to think, talk, and pray about it.

And so, here and now...the conversation begins.


Silverwolf104 said...

I wonder if perhaps we might start with our own bishop (G. Porter Taylor) and see what he thinks and/or feels about this. I was present at his meeting with some parishoners in Cullowhee recently, and quite frankly I felt from some of his statements that he was opposed to any glbt unions, or full inclusion of glbt persons in the church, for that matter. If this is so, then he can and may well become a giant stumbling block in this entire process. It would be nice to have his "blessing" rather than having to work around him.

Marti said...

I am very grateful to all of you who are working so hard on this issue. I am in so much grief over it that I find it hard to stay the course now. I just came "home" to my Episcopal roots a few years ago, when I thought I was actually going to be welcomed as an equal. I feel betrayed. It sseems as if a promise has been broken. Leaving the church would be excruciating but staying seems to be as well. I ask myself (and all of you): What would Jesus do? Thanks for listening . . .